This month's New Moon occurs on December 25, 2011, 3:06 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 3rd degree of Capricorn. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Cancer Moon opposing the Capricorn Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Water-Earth polarity. Both signs belong to feminine signs and are oriented toward maintaining what acquired in the past. Both also belong to cardinal signs so the pace of development will be quick and initiating. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Capricorn's getting things done energy to fulfill collective urge of the container that wishes emotional closeness and security among family during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too harsh about achieving your own goal to disrupt emotionally connecting atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.