
New Moon Dec. 2011

New Moon Dec. 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on December 25, 2011, 3:06 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 3rd degree of Capricorn. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Cancer Moon opposing the Capricorn Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Water-Earth polarity. Both signs belong to feminine signs and are oriented toward maintaining what acquired in the past. Both also belong to cardinal signs so the pace of development will be quick and initiating. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Capricorn's getting things done energy to fulfill collective urge of the container that wishes emotional closeness and security among family during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too harsh about achieving your own goal to disrupt emotionally connecting atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 17:01| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon Nov. 2011

New Moon Nov. 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on November 25, 2011, 15:09 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 3rd degree of Sagittarius. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Gemini Moon opposing the Sagittarius Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Air-Fire polarity. Both signs belong to masculine signs and are oriented toward something new to be brought about. Both also belong to mutable signs so the pace of development might not be stable stimulating intellectual faculty to adjust to the situation. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Sagittarius' opinionated buy-my-vision energy to fulfill collective urge of the container that might say you-have-to-be-specific-and-tell-me-the-funniest-idea during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too imposing about your own opinion to disrupt let's-learn-together atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 19:00| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon Oct. 2011

New Moon Oct. 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on October 27, 2011, 4:56 am JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 4th degree of Scorpio. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Taurus Moon opposing the Scorpio Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Earth-Water polarity. Both signs belong to feminine signs and are oriented toward preserving status quo and get the best out of it. But both also belong to fixed signs so the pace of development might be slow and steady. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Scorpio's strong focusing energy to fulfill collective urge of the container that needs to keep things as they should be during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too emotionally demanding against preserving-material-security atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 14:11| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon Sept. 2011

New Moon Sept. 2011

This month's second New Moon occurs on September 27, 2011, 20:08 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 5th degree of Libra. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Aries Moon opposing the Libra Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Fire-Air polarity. Both signs belong to masculine signs and are oriented toward new development or change. But both also belong to cardinal signs so the pace of development might be quick and initiating. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Libra's people pleasing peace making energy to fulfill collective urge of the container that might say let-me-do-as-I-like-and-be-first during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too wishy-washy not deciding what to do against let's get going atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 19:42| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon Aug. 2011

New Moon Aug. 2011

This month's second New Moon occurs on August 29, 2011, 12:04 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 6th degree of Virgo. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Pisces Moon opposing the Virgo Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Water-Earth polarity. Both signs belong to feminine signs and are oriented toward making sure what is already established are still working. Both also belong to mutable signs so the pace of development might be changing and fluctuating, influenced by the environment. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Virgo's discriminating and perfecting the detail energy to fulfill collective urge of the container that might say you-have-to-feel-the-atmosphere-or-the-dream-of-everyone-around-you during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too criticizing and picky about the detail to disrupt sharing the feeling atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 01:21| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon at the end of July. 2011

New Moon end of July. 2011

This month's second New Moon occurs on July 31, 2011, 3:39 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 8th degree of Leo. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Aquarius Moon opposing Leo Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Air-Fire polarity. Both signs belong to masculine signs and are oriented toward something new to be brought about. Both also belong to fixed signs so the pace of development might be slow and steady. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Leo's creative let-me-lead-an-organization energy to fulfill collective urge of the container that might say you-have-to-respect-uniqueness-of-everyone-else during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too pushy and showy about your own self-expression to disrupt humanistic networking atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 17:25| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon July. 2011

New Moon July. 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on July 1, 2011, 17:53 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 10th degree of Cancer. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Capricorn Moon opposing Cancer Sun, so we had better be aware of the themes of Earth-Water polarity. Both signs belong to feminine signs and are oriented toward preserving the status quo and refining it. Both also belong to cardinal signs so the pace of development might be quick and moving. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Cancer's sharing-emotion-to-establish-security-energy to fulfill collective urge of the container to control-to-be-useful-among-people during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too emotional and security oriented to disrupt getting things done atmosphere that everyone has in general. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 17:39| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon June 2011

New Moon June 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on June 2, 2011, 6:02 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 12th degree of Gemini. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Sagittarius Moon opposing Gemini Sun, so I will talk about some of the themes of this Fire-Air polarity. Both signs belong to masculine signs and are oriented toward progressing into the next step of evolution and change things. Both also belong to mutable signs so the pace of development might also be changeable and fluctuating. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Gemini want-to-know-all-and-talk-about-them-all energy to fulfill collective urge of the container to be exploring and acquiring larger vision during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too experimental and curiosity oriented to annoy abstract and general moral or philosophy that everyone has as generous atmosphere. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 20:32| Comment(6) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon May. 2011

New Moon May. 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on May. 3, 2011, 15:50 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 13th degree of Taurus. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Scorpio Moon opposing Taurus Sun, so I will talk about some of the themes of this Water-Earth polarity. Both signs belong to feminine signs and are oriented toward preserving status quo or resisting change. But both also belong to fixed signs so the pace of development might be slow and persisting. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Taurus steadily growing and enjoying the senses energy to fulfill collective urge of the container to be uniting, fermenting and transforming during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too stubborn and crash head on with cooperative perspective that everyone secretly and desperately has. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 14:47| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon Apr. 2011

New Moon Apr. 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on Apr. 3, 2011, 23:32 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 14th degree of Aries. And this month, the Full Moon occurs with Libra Moon opposing Aries Sun, so I will talk about some of the themes of this fire-air polarity. Both signs belong to masculine signs and are oriented toward new development or change. But both also belong to cardinal signs so the pace of development might be quick and initiating. Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Aries vivid get up and go energy to fulfill collective urge of the container to be cooperating at the scene during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon). It is not constructive if you get too imposing or self-centered and take advantage of understanding attitude that everyone has. Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 14:39| Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon Mar. 2011

New Moon Mar. 2011

This month's New Moon occurs on Mar. 5, 2011, 3:45 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 14th degree of Pisces.  And this month, the Full Moon occurs in Virgo Moon opposing Pisces Sun, so I will talk about some of the themes of this earth-water polarity.  Both signs belong to feminine signs and are oriented toward preserving the established way of doing things and remember the past.  But both also belong to mutable signs so the pace of development might variable influenced by the circumstance.  Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Pisces dreamy idealistic uniting energy to fulfill collective urge of the container to be useful at the scene during this Moon month (especially around the Full Moon).  It is not constructive if you get too dreamy to the extent that it paralyze everyday routine to get things at hand done.  Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 12:41| Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


New Moon Feb. 2011

New Moon Feb. 2011

Let's start some getting used to English through talking about astrology.  Since we are going to invite Mr. Noel Tyl, the most insightful psychological astrologer of our time, to Japan, it is wonderful if you understand his English directly!  For that purpose, it is nice to have the opportunity to get used to English through astrological talk.  Starting this month, I will write this article in English.  I will keep the format the same as when I was writing this in Japanese, so some of you who are regular readers might easily understand what I am talking about.

Now the New Moon occurs on Feb. 3, 2011, 11:30 JST (all the timing in this article is to be calculated in JST) at the 14th degree of Aquarius.  And this month, the Full Moon occurs in Leo Moon opposing Aquarius Sun, so I will talk about some of the themes of this fire-air polarity.  Both signs belong to masculine signs and are oriented toward new development or change.  But both also belong to fixed signs so the pace of development might be slow and steady.  Imagining the Moon as a container and the Sun as energy to fill it, we have Aquarian socially conscious energy to fulfill collective creative self-expression of the culture as container for this Moon month.  It is not constructive if you get too socially conscious to the extent that it gives threat to those vivid self-expressive portion of everybody's nature.  Let's see what's going on in the world with these points of view in mind for this Moon month.

posted by ryu at 15:19| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


新月 2011.01

新月 2011.01

posted by ryu at 01:41| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 月相2011 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする